Our solutions

Customisable solutions aligned to your business needs

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Use Cases

Each client has differing monitoring requirements and our solutions are designed so that they can be adapted and tailored for the widest range of situations.
ESG icon


Social360 gives you the information you need to look outward in your ESG assessments. We close the circle between ESG frameworks and external perception. We analyse the broadest datasets and widest range of online sources to unearth any gaps between what you say you do and what is actually happening in the real world, beyond the quantitative data.
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Social Due Diligence

Using a proven methodology developed over the last 10 years, Social360 combine comprehensive search capability with skilled analysts in order to produce targeted reports on individuals or company’s online social media activity.
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Reputational Analysis icon

Reputational Analysis

Our daily online monitoring services are our flagship solutions, trusted by global brands and communications consultancies for over ten years. Suited to all reputational risk scenarios, our approach offers two distinct advantages: we cut through the vastness of online data to find the relevant nuggets of information that can pose a threat to corporate reputation, and we actively track ongoing narrative and influential voices that can directly affect perception.
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Crisis Communications

We are a critical partner in crisis communications and planning – our products can help you and your clients cut through the vast amounts of online data and get to the heart of a crisis as it unfolds.
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